What is uv- visible spectroscopy?

It is molecular spectroscopy in which we study interaction between molecules and UV – visible radiation.

UV- Visible spectroscopy is work on absorption phenomenon.


Ultra Violet spectroscopy is concerned with the study of absorption of UV radiation which range from 200nm to 400nm.

Visible spectroscopy is concerned with the study of the absorption of visible radiation which range from 400nm to 800nm.

In both spectroscopy sample is absorbed radiation energy and valence electrons are goes ground state to excited state.

There are mainly three types of electron

  1.  Ïƒ – electron :- These are the one present in saturated compound. Such electron do not absorb near UV but absorb vacuum UV radiation.
  2. π electron :- These electron are present in unsaturated compound double or triple bond.
  3. N electron :- These are non bonded electron which are not involved in any bonding lone pair of electron like in S,O,N and Halogen. 


It is mainly work on absorption phenomenon. We measure the absorption of light by molecules that are in a gas or vapour state or dissolved molecules in spectrophotometry.

Investigation the absorption of the difference substance wave length is 190 nm to 780 nm

Electronic Transition And Excitation process :-

It was stated earlier that Ïƒ,Ï€, and n electron are present in a molecule and can be excited from the ground state by the absorption of UV radiation.

There are mainly four types of transition are seen

  1. σ—> Ïƒ
  2. Ï€ –> Ï€
  3. n —> Ï€
  4.  n –> Ïƒ


Type of electronic transition

1. nπ :- This electron transition required lowest energy.

The peak of this transition is called R band.

Wavelength is approximately 200 nm.

This type of peak can be seen in compound where n electron is present in a compound containing double bond or triple bond eg. Aldehyde or ketones

2. Ï€Ï€ :- This type of transition give B,E, and k band.

Wavelength is approximately more than 200 nm.

3. nσ

In this transition approximately 175 nm wavelength are seen.

When any hetero atom is present in the saturated compound this transition is occur.

This transition is also seen in water, chloroform, alcohol.


This type  transition required the highest energy.

The peak is seen in 100 nm to 150 nm

Example of this transition is hydrocarbon.

type of shift in UV Spectroscopy Chromophore, Auxochrome and different  


It is a covalently unsaturated group which is responsible for absorption of UV or visible radiation and may or may not impact in colour to the compound.

A compound which contains chromophore it is called chromogen.

In unsaturated linkage such as -c=c- ,

-N=N-, the Ï€ electron are loosely bound. These loosely bound electron required less energy for electronic transition and the absorption band occur in near UV region.

Example Acetylene possessed -C=C-  in structure it Î»max is 175-180 nm.

Auxo chrome 

It is saturated and unsaturated group which consists of one or more pair of non-bonded electron.

This group is attached to Chromophore help in altering the wavelength by increasing the intensity of absorption and increase Î»max.

Example of Auxochrome is -OH, -NH2,

-OR etc.

Type of Shift

1. Bathochromic shift ( Red shift ) :-

In this Types the absorption maximum shift towards longer wavelength.

When two or more chromophore present in a molecule is responsible for bathochromic shift.

Ex. Ethene which contain unconjugated double bond show Î»max at 170 nm.

2. Hypsochromic shift ( Blue shift) :-

In this Type the absorption maximum shift towards shorter wavelength. This shift is occur due to removal of conjugation or due to change  in the polarity of the solvent.

Ex. Aniline show Î»max at 280 nm because of on conjugation between lone pair of electron between nitrogen and benzene.

3. Hyperchromic shift :-

In this Type of shift increase intensity with increase of absorption of radiation.

This is due to the introduce Auxochrome.

Ex. Increase intensity of the absorption of DNA due to denaturation at the Î»max 260 nm.

4. Hypochromic shift :

In this Type of shift decrease intensity of radiation because of decreased absorption.

It is due to presence of certain group which may cause deformation of structure of compound.

UV- Visible spectroscopy Principal and Factor affecting absorption


  •  The principle is based on the measurements of spectrum of a sample containing atom/molecules.
  • Spectrum is a graph of intensity of absorbed or emitted radiation by sample vs frequency or wavelength.
  • Spectrometer is an instrument design to measure the spectrum of a compound.
  • UV-Visible spectroscopy measure the response of a sample to ultra Violet and visible range of EMR.
  • Molecules have either Ïƒ,Ï€ and n electron.

These electron absorbed uv radiation and under goes transition from ground state to excited state.


Factor affecting absorption in uv-visible spectroscopy :-

1. Absorption compound :-

It is increase absorption of UV. Example is Chromophore and Auxochrome

2. Solvent effect :-

Solvent that absorbed uv radiation are avoid.

Example is benzene , carbon tetrachloride, chloroform etc.

3. Temperature :-

Low temperature is suitable for uv visible spectroscopy.

In,High temperature absorption of UV radiation is increase.

4. Inorganic material :-

Inorganic material are increase the absorption.

Ex. Ag, Au etc.


  1. Bathochromic shift :- when absorption maximum of a compound shift to longer wavelength, it is known as Bathochromic shift or red shift.
  2. Hypsochromic shift:- when absorption maximum of a compound to a shorter wavelength it is called a Hypsochromic shift or Blue shift.
  3. Hyperchromic shift :- when absorption intensity of a compound is increased it is known as hyperchromic shift.
  4. Hypochromic shift :- when absorption intensity of compound is decreased it is called hypochromic shift.

    1. RADIATION SOURCE :-  it is required ideal condition that are given below :-
    •  It should be stable and not allow fluctuations.
    •  It should be continuing emitting light.
    • It should be not show fatigue on continuing use.
    • It should provide incident light of sufficient intensity for the transmitted energy to be detected at the end of optical path.

    There are following type of radiation source are used in UV-VISIBLE SPECTROSCOPY

    1. Tungsten Halogen lamp:-

    It is construction is similar to house hold lamp.  The bulb contain a filament and it is filled with inert gas like He, Ar etc.

    Filament heated at 3000k temperature after 3000k temp. It is started to generate radiation.

    It is used when polychromatic light are required.

    2. Hydrogen Discharge lamp :-

    In Hydrogen Discharge lamp are pair of electrodes that are enclosed in glass tube.

    This glass tube is filled with H2 gas.

    When current is passed through these electrod at high voltage, discharge of electron

    This electron are responsible for the excited hydrogen molecules which in turn cause emissions of U.V.

    3. Xenon Discharge Lamp :-

    It possessed two tungsten electrod separated by some distance.

    These are enclosed in a glass tube and xenon gas is filled under pressure.

    An intense arc is formed between electrod by applying high voltage.

    This is a good source of continuous plus additional intense radiation.

    It intensity is higher than the Hydrogen discharge lamp.

    4. Mercury arc lamp :-

    In Mercury arc lamp , Mercury vapour is stored under high pressure and excitation of Mercury atom is done by electric discharge.

    Collimating system :-

    The radiation emitted by the radiation source is collimated by lense, mirror and slits.


    Materials used for the lenses must be transparent to the radiation being used.

    Ordinary silicate glass transmit between 350 to 300 nm and is suitable for visible and near IR region.

    Quartz or fused silica is used as a material for lenses to work below 300 nm.


    These are used to reflect  focus or collimate light beam in spectrophotometer.

    Slits :- 

    Slits is an important device in resolving polychromatic radiation into monochromatic radiation. To achieve this entrance slit and exit slit are used.

    Monochromator :-

    It is  device used to isolate the radiation of the desired wavelength from wavelength of the continuous spectra.

    MONOCHROMATOR has following unit

    1. Entrance slit ( to get narrow source)

    2. Dispersing slit (disperses the heterochromatic radiation into it components )

    3. Exit slit ( Allow the nominal wavelength together with a bond of wavelength on either side of it)


    1. Prisms :- The prism disperse the light radiation into individual colour or wavelength.

    The band pass is lower than that of filter and hence it has better resolution.

    2. Grating :- Grating are the most efficient one in converting a polychromatic to monochromatic light.

    It is used to achieve 0.1 nm resolution.

    Grating are of two types

    1. Diffraction grating :-

    Grating are nothing but ruling made on some material like glass , quartz, or alkyl halide depending upon the instrument whether it is visible / IR/UV spectrophotometer

    2. Transmission grating :-

    Transmission grating is similar to diffraction grating, but refraction take place instead of reflection.

    Sample cell :-

    Sample cell are used to hold a sample solution. The material of sample cell should not absorb at the wavelength being observed. Sample cell are cylindrical or rectangular in shape.

    The pathlength the cells are 10 mm or 1 cm.

    Detectors :- 

    Detector are the device which convert light energy into electrical signal that are display on the read out device.

    There are mainly three types of detector are used in UV-VISIBLE SPECTROSCOPY

    1. Photo multiplier tube :- is quite sensitive cathode and about 10 anode which are maintained at a potential of 75- 100 volta.

    Working :- It is work on principal of multiplication of the photo electrons by secondary emissions of electron.

    When a beam of light fall on the photo cathode, photo electrons are generated which are accelerate towards the anode. At each stage of their accelerate from one anode to another anode the emissions of electron is increase by a factor 4 to 5 due to secondary emissions of electron.


    2. Photo voltaic cell :-

    It is consists of a photo cathode which is a thin metallic layer coated with gold or silver. It is also contain a metal base which act as anode. Between these two electrod is a semi conductor layer of selenium.

    Working :- while light ray falls on the selenium layer electron are generated which are taken by the photo cathode.

    Because of the poor electrical conductivity of the selenium the electron he accumulated on the cathode leading to the development of the potential difference across the two electrod which result to generate electric current.

    3. Photo tube :-

    It consists of a hollow glass tube with a photo cathode and a collector anode. The surface of the photo cathode is coated with a layer of element like cesium, potassium, silver oxide.

    Working :-

    When light fall on the photo cathode , electron are produced which flow towards the collect or anode and generate current. The amount of current generate is directly proportional to the intensity of the light radiation.


    Their are mainly two types of UV-VISIBLE INSTRUMENTS

    1. Single beam

    2. Double beam

    Single beam UV-VISIBLE :-

    In a single beam UV-VISIBLE spectro-photometer light from the radiation source is passed through out the monochromator enters the sample cell containing the sample cell solution.

    A part of the incident light is absorbed by the sample and remaining get transmitted .

    The transmitted light strikes the detector and produced electrical signal.

    The signal produced by the detector is directly proportional to the intensity of the light beam striking it surface.

    The absorbance reading both the standard and unknown solution are recorded.

    After adjust the instrument to 100% transmission with a blank solution each time when even the wavelength is charged.


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