1. Determination the solubility of drug at room temperature

2. Determination of pKa value by Half Neutralization/ Henderson Hasselbalch

3. Determination of Partition co- efficient of benzoic acid in benzene and water

4. Determination of Partition co- efficient of Iodine in CCl4 and water

5. Determination of % composition of NaCl in a solution using phenol-water system by CST method 

6. Determination of surface tension of given liquids by drop count and drop weight method 

7. Determination of HLB number of a surfactant by saponification method

8. Determination of Freundlich and Langmuir constants using activated char coal

9. Determination of critical micellar concentration of surfactants

10. Determination of stability constant and donor acceptor ratio of PABA-Caffeine complex by solubility method 

11. Determination of stability constant and donor acceptor ratio of Cupric-Glycine complex by pH titration method
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